(C104) [Yankeehamama (sgt)] Neru no Figure Kattara Neru ni Barete Buchigire Oshioki Bunny Ecchi shichau Hon - About buying a figure of Neru and she finds out and gets pissed off and punishes me with bunny sex. | 買了尼祿的手辦之後被尼祿發現了 氣急敗壞要懲罰進行兔女郎做愛的故事 [Chinese] (Blue Archive)
(C104) [Yankeehamama (sgt)] Neru no Figure Kattara Neru ni Barete Buchigire Oshioki Bunny Ecchi shichau Hon - About buying a figure of Neru and she finds out and gets pissed off and punishes me with bunny sex. | 買了尼祿的手辦之後被尼祿發現了 氣急敗壞要懲罰進行兔女郎做愛的故事 [Chinese] (Blue Archive)